
PPCnerd Daily Deviation Detector

PRO Google Ads Script

PPCnerd Daily Deviation Detector

Stop wasting time on manually analyzing reports to compare if your account's daily performance differs from the same day in previous weeks. Completely automate the analysis process in finding performance deviations on Google Ads accounts with the PPCnerd Daily Deviation Detector script. Designed for both individual and manager (MCC) accounts.

PPCnerd Script Features:

  • Analyzes daily account performance on core metrics (impressions, clicks, conversions ad spend) and compares it to the same day from previous weeks to show if there are any performance deviations.
  • Option to analyze the core metrics of same day performance for up to 4 weeks prior.
  • Option to specify an expected range threshold that each core metric must fall over or under on the same day performance from previous weeks, in order to be classified as a deviation.
  • Option to run this script on all accounts within an MCC or only on selected accounts based on account label names.
  • Option to run this script on all campaigns or only on selected campaigns based on campaign label names.
  • Sends an email summary with complete list of all account performance deviations to any nominated email addresses.

Download this script instantly now. Includes automatic feature updates. Recommended to run this script daily for maximum automated analysis of account performance deviations.

* Manage all your PPCnerd Scripts with the
PPCnerd Control Center

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